In the ongoing tussle between Republicans and Democrats on the hot topic of immigration funding and reform it seems as if the issue is still caught in a deadlock. The Congress seems to be no closer to a solution to fund the Homeland Security Department than it was some months ago. And what’s more, the deadline of February end is fast approaching.
The votes collected in the Senate so very recently were just 53 to 47, falling short of the 60 votes that are needed to re-initiate debate on the Homeland Security bill. The bill is estimated to pay for the department for some months at least, till September end, which marks the end of the budget year, and would seek to undo President Obama’s executive order that limited deportations of millions of illegal immigration aspires.
A vote was once again expected on Thursday, with a lot more in the offing. A senior Republican quipped that voting over and over on the same bill seemed to be an action of what he termed “insanity”.
President Obama meanwhile, met with a group of “Dreamers” in his office at the White House. He did this to strive and counter the GOP legislation that would eventually subject the Dreamers to subsequent deportation. He accused Republicans of failing to ignore the impact on “human lives” as a result of their deportation. He threatened to veto the bill eventually. He stated that it was like cutting off your nose to spite the face; delimiting funds for border security was undermining the strength on the borders, he said.