More than 200 immigrant children were administered an adult dose of Hepatitis A vaccine in a detention center at Texas state, according to an alarming news byte recently.
The vaccine was administered to the children but none of them were hospitalized or any adverse reactions reported.
ICE officials said that health care medics would monitor the kids over the week and watch out for any potential side effects. “Parents at the facility were advised and counseled by medical professionals about potential side effects, with services made available in multiple languages,” the official state.
According to a centre of medical health hepatitis A virus can infect the liver. It is transmitted amongst individuals and spreads through consuming contaminated food or water.
The children reportedly received double the dosage of the vaccine. They should continue to be monitored, a professional said, although the chances of their developing short term or long term complications were rare.
“I’m guessing there will not be significant effects,” an official said. “If anything, you may get a higher immune response.”
The Immigration and health care officials are investigating how the mix-up at the Family Residential Center occurred and how such mistakes can be avoided in the future.