The Immigration reform is the hot topic in the United States. It has been almost a year now that President Mr. Barak Obama promised the nation to come up with strong immigration legislation which will boost the US economy and offer significant benefits to millions of illegal immigrants.
According to sources, Republicans are busy nowadays in crafting ‘principles’ to propose in the house instead of a comprehensive reform bill. The principles are nothing but a series of legislation proposals related to different immigration issues. However, we don’t know if we should be happy or not. These principles will be based on the most critical issue of last year’s reform bill – Border Security. For decades, the United States has been unfortunate as far as border security is concerned. Every year, thousands of illegal immigrants enter in the US for better living for their families. Border security is most critical problem that must be solved as early as possible.
The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill which was crafted by a gang of eight members (4 conservative Republicans and 4 Democrats) of bipartisan group is on stall right now. This bill consisted many key issues related to immigration like border security, merit based visa system and a pathway to citizenship to illegal immigrants. The Conservative Republicans were very much against to the pathway of citizenship provision. According to them, one cannot easily be a citizen of the United States who does not respect the US laws. They always wanted a series of immigration bills which handle different immigration issues separately.
In the comprehensive bill, there is a provision called 13 years of the pathway of citizenship proposed to undocumented immigrants. However, a recent survey by the pew research center revealed that for immigrants, reduction in deportation and legalization is more important than citizenship. Most of the Latino community agreed that legalization is more important and they are not satisfied with the republican’s role in the immigration reform process in the house. This is considered as a primary reason of the republican’s inclination towards immigration reform. The senate elections are approaching and both parties will try to get the attention of voters and why not? This is the perfect time to settle the biggest controversial issue to gather public attention. According to law experts, the immigration reform is likely to pass before the elections.
By the end of this month, the picture will be crystal clear. However, Speaker of the House, Mr. John Boehner and conservative Republicans will surely try to get credit for the immigration reform. My question is: will Democrats be in the agreement with conservatives for the compromised reform designed by them? is a free service, which streamlines the immigration medical process for green card aspirants by helping them locate the right USCIS Physician and schedule their Green Card Medical Exam online. Green card aspirants can also find immigration lawyers near their zip code through this service.
When you apply for a permanent residence status or adjustment of status for United States, you have to clear immigration medical exam, conducted by USCIS approved civil surgeon. USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) has designed an immigration medical exam in association with CDC (Centers for Diseases and Control). Only USCIS approved civil surgeon can conduct the immigration medical exam. You can find more information on USCIS official website.
Immigration Medical Exam consists of full body check up, few tests related to communicable diseases, a mental and physical evaluation and few vaccinations. The basic purpose of conducting immigration medical exam is to know that a person is admissible on grounds of public health and safety.
The Immigration Medical Exam is the second last step of long, tiring Green Card process and you need to be careful so that you don’t fail to clear it. Even a very small mistake may shatter your dream to be a permanent resident of United States.
Below are the some advices you need to remember while appearing for Immigration Medical Exam.
- Read about Immigration Medical Exam: Most of the applicants suffer in medical exam due to lack of knowledge. There are so much written about it. You can surf blogs, social pages, articles, USCIS web portal to gain information related to Immigration medical exam.
- Hire an Immigration Lawyer: it is advisable to hire a legal advocate who can help you to clear your medical exam or you may hire a lawyer to simplify whole green card process. It is proven that the chances of getting permanent resident status are more when you are standing next to your lawyer.
- Take precautions while hiring a civil surgeon doctor: Your immigration medical exam is totally dependent on your doctor. You have to take care while choosing a civil surgeon. You can check the list of civil surgeon from USCIS web portal. Ask for testimonials from previous customers if a doctor has any.
- Don’t make a surgeon your friend: During an exam, answer all questions truthfully but don’t disclose anything which is not asked by civil surgeon. It is not advisable to be friendly with your doctor. Sometimes it may possible that your doctor become informal with you to provoke you to tell things related to exam indirectly. Be alert.
- Carry legal, proper identity card: This is the most common mistake occur by applicants. Make sure that your photo id is legal and not expired before the exam date.
- Carry Medical History documents: this is advisable if you have any medical history which is particular related to tests conducted in medical exam, carry the medical documents related to it.
- Fill your particulars error-free in form i-693: In the form i-693, an applicant has to write his personal details. Make sure that you write this portion error free. You may fill the form by typing also to avoid any human error.
Once the exam is done, a civil surgeon will give you a sealed envelope carrying your filled i-693 form. Don’t accept it if it is unsealed. USCIS will not accept unsealed envelope. Attach an envelope with your application letter and patiently wait for your interview call.
Being an American citizen is a dream of infinite numbers of people around the globe, but actually realizing this dream is not that easy thing to do. The so called “American Dream” has so much power that people around the world struggle hard to penetrate on this land of opportunities. Getting a permanent resident status is of course a prolonged process, but it is achievable. You just need to follow proper guidelines and recommendations and Statue of Liberty will accept you with warm heart.
There are several ways to apply for permanent resident of United States. In this article, we will focus on how to apply for green card if you are an entrepreneur. United States greets you if you can generate lucrative jobs and subsequently help the US economy to boost. Each year, around 10, 000 US visas are granted for this entrepreneur category.
However, there are certain provisions that an entrepreneur need to fulfill.
- You must be admissible to United States on ground of public health and safety. You need to clear Immigration Medical Exam or Green Card Medical Exam, a medical exam conducted by USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) approved Civil Surgeon, which includes few medical tests, body check-up and vaccination.
- An entrepreneur, who tends to create ten permanent jobs for the qualified US workers, may apply for Green Card.
- An entrepreneur must need to invest $ 1, 00,000 (or at least $ 50,000 in targeted rural or high unemployment area.) in his/ her commercial enterprise to eligible for green card under this category.
- You need to provide Full time Employment to all employees i.e. a type of employment or work in which an employee will work on particular job for at least 35 hours per week.
- If you are living outside United States, you need to file a petition for Green Card in your own country’s US Department of State. And follow the process called “Consular Processing” in which USCIS approve the Form I-526, petitioned by an entrepreneur. After the approval from USCIS, you will get green card.
- If you are living in United States, once your form I-526 is approved and you get your visa number, you can apply for conditional permanent residence on form I-485, it is also called Adjustment of Status.
- If you want, you may include your spouse and children under the age of 21 in your green card petition. They need to fill form I-485 to qualify for permanent residence.
- You must have to submit authentic documents which are required, while submitting your application.
This is one of the easiest ways to get permanent residence status or green card for the United States. There are few other ways like getting a green card through job offer, through special job categories etc. to get a green card for the permanent residence status. There are numbers of companies who work as an advisory to provide green card services. Do your research and proceed accordingly. is a free service, which streamlines the immigration medical process for green card aspirants by helping them locate the right USCIS Physician and schedule their Green Card Medical Exam online. Green card aspirants can also find immigration lawyers near their zip code through this service.
Unlike the last year, 2014 seems promising for the immigration reform legislation. Throughout the last year, the nation went through boundless possibilities of immigration bill passing in house or not. In last February, Mr. Barak Obama promised the nation that this is a perfect time to come out with profound immigration legislation. Gang of Eight from Bipartisan group inscribed a Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill which was passed in Senate in June, 2013. Comprehensive Immigration Bill consists numbers of immigration issues like Border Security Measures, Path to Citizenship, Merit based Visa system etc.
While last year, bill could not bring to vote in house. This year seems an immigration friendly year according to many political analysts and immigration activists. The Conservative Republicans, majority group in House, who always opposed the Comprehensive Bill and suggested to come up few issue based bills rather than one comprehensive bill, likely to support senate bill in 2014. According to political analysts, Republicans may mitigate their firm stand on Immigration Bill this year as more and more GOP members understand the significance of Latino community and they well understand that passing immigration bill is the best way to garner support from Latino voters. According to a Latino Decisions poll, 60% of all who participated in the poll, agreed on the fact that immigration bill is most important issue in Latino community and 70% of all who participated in the poll were dissatisfied with the Republicans stand on immigration bill in the house.
Also in 2013, Immigration bill supporters and activists conducted protests and rallies to enforce the house members to consider immigration bill seriously in the house. The FastforFamilies tent, outside the white house forced political leaders to rethink about immigration bill in such a way that Mr. President himself, accompanied with The First Lady, visited the tent and listened protesters. Activists said in the last week of 2013 that we will be back on the roads if immigration bill not passed in the house. The immigration reform activism is deemed as one of the main influential parameter which will oblige house to pass Immigration bill in house at earliest.
Comprehensive bill offered path to citizenship which shows a 13 years process for undocumented immigrants to become US Citizens. This was the one critical aspect Republicans opposed firmly and it is believed main constraint of bill which may lead to rejection of immigration bill in house. However, GOP members in house are ready to support legislation which provides legalization to undocumented immigrants over path to citizenship. According to a recent survey conducted by Pew Hispanic Trends Project, 55% of Hispanics are more interested in getting legalization and removal of fear of deportation over a pathway to citizenship. If republicans support this kind of legalization approach, it may possible that democrats will compromise on it rather than pushing for pathway to citizenship. If this happens, it should be considered as magnificent achievement towards immigration reform.
Let’s hope that this unsolved issue will get answered in appropriate manner which strengthens our nation’s integrity as well as boost US economy as well. is a free service, which streamlines the immigration medical process for green card aspirants by helping them locate the right USCIS Physician and schedule their Green Card Medical Exam online. Green card aspirants can also find immigration lawyers near their zip code through this service.