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  • How easyIME Helps To Make The Green Card Medical A Cake Walk
  • The Green Card Medicals are conducted by a specially appointed body – the USCIS, or the United States Citizenship Immigration Services – the exam is required for all those applicants who require adjustment of status through a case of permanent residence or are applying for a green card in the United States. USCIS empanels medical professionals or doctors who go through a specific process before they can start conducting these examinations. The reason for the applicant going through the green card medical is to score out the possibilities of him or her carrying any disease or suffering from a medical condition that could be dangerous to public health, and making the applicant inadmissible on public health grounds.

    The Medical exam requires the applicant to go through a routine of standard tests and also receive certain vaccines prescribed for immigrants. This is where easyIME comes into the picture. An easy-to-use an navigate portal easyIME assists both aspirants and immigration doctors by arranging for a coordination of appointments and helping the applicant go through the entire routine without any hiccups. The applicant can choose the doctor of his choice by comparing prices of medical doctors that are in close vicinity. This service is provided free of charge to the applicants. Once the doctor is decided according to the area of choice easyIME ensures that a certain amount of hand-holding of the applicant is done, so that the routine medical tests, x-rays and prescribed immigration vaccines are run through seamlessly for the applicant.

    easyIME seeks to make this part of the immigration journey as easy as possible for immigrants to the United States of America!

  • How To Find A Good Immigration Lawyer
  • If you are applying for a Green Card in the United States of America and as a part of the process you may have to appoint the services of an immigration attorney. Taking the help of an immigration attorney is one of the good decisions you should make which will help you as an applicant for the migration process.

    What should you be looking for in an immigration lawyer?

    How long is it since the immigration attorney has been practicing immigration law?

    It would not be considered wrong to inquire from the lawyer his or her background, qualifications and experience. You could also speak to some clients of the immigration lawyer and inquire about their experiences. Positive feedback will definitely help in deciding about the lawyer and his skills in the field of immigration activity.


    AILA or the American Immigration Lawyers Association, as it is called is an entity in the United States that consists of more than 11,000 lawyers and attorneys who are proficient in immigration law. AILA lawyers specialize in working for individuals and families who are applying for permanent residence in the country. These lawyers also work for students and refugees on a pro bono basis sometimes.

  • One Of The Crucial Steps On The Immigration Journey – The Green Card Medical
  • The US Green Card Medicals are conducted by the USCIS for all those aspirants who have to adjust status or are applying for a green card while residing in the United States. There are USCIS empanelled medical doctors who help to conduct these examinations. The main objective of conducting either a green card medical examination or an immigration medical exam is to ensure that the applicant does not suffer from any major health condition or disease, which could make him or her inadmissible on public health grounds.

    A green card is required by immigrants who wish to reside in the United States. The green card medicals are therefore solely conducted by qualified doctors, who are sufficiently equipped to take these examinations. The applicant has to go through a series of standard, routine tests and also take the immigration vaccines. easyIME helps both applicants and doctors by arranging to set up appointments with the doctors. Applicants can now choose their doctors with the help of esayIME’s easy to use dropdown list of doctors available in the applicants’ area. Once the applicant chooses the immigration doctor in the area of his choice easyIME sees to it that the appointment is scheduled at the appropriate time. This way processing the green card medical with easyIME  makes it extremely easy for applicants, as it hand-holds you through the entire  routine! Applicants can further choose the best-preferred doctor online on the easyIME website, after comparing fees, which are also displayed on the site. This will go a long way in helping applicants make the best possible selection of their doctor.

    Once you select the doctor online, choosing the time slot suitable to you, easyIME will coordinate with the surgeon with the appointment and other necessary details. All that you will now have to do is to appear for the immigration physicals at the USCIS doctor’s clinic at the designated time!

  • Adjustment Of Status And The Immigration Medical Contd…
  • 21_AugUSCIS, or the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services conducts the US Immigration Green Card Medical Examinations; these are required to be taken by all those applicants who are in the process of applying for a green card in the United States. Immigration medical physicians or surgeons are appointed by USCIS in order to enable applicants to take these examinations. The main reason for conducting the green card physical is to cancel any occurrences of a disease or serious health condition, which could make the applicant liable to be rejected on the grounds of dangers to public health.

    The USCIS-approved Civil Surgeons conducts a series of standard tests and gives the applicants immigration vaccines as required by the procedures. There is a portal that helps applicants to co-ordinate with the doctors of the applicants’ choice. Once the most suitable immigration doctor is chosen by the applicant in the relevant area easyIME ensures that the appointment is fixed up by coordinating with the USCIS Civil Surgeon. The online portal easyIME makes the entire green card medical examination process smooth, by assisting in the setting up of appointments with USCIS Surgeons and hand-holding applicants the entire way. The applicant can be chosen online on the website where the fees for the surgeons will also be displayed. The applicants can compare prices of various surgeons and then choose the most preferable.