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  • Immigration Medical Examination A Mandatory Process For Green Card Applicants
  • 20_AugUSCIS conducts the US Immigration Medical Examinations for people by whom adjustment of status is required, or for all those who are applying for a green card. There are immigration medical doctors who are specially selected by USCIS to conduct these examinations. The purpose of conducting the immigration medical is to ensure that the applicant is not suffering from any major health condition or disease, as this could make the applicant inadmissible due to the reasons of public health dangers.

    The green card medical examination is conducted by physicians, USCIS-approved Civil Surgeons and is allowed by USCIS, the immigration body, to conduct these examinations. Standard, routine tests are required to be taken by applicant seeking the Green Card. In this venture, both applicants and doctors are assisted by easyIME, as it carefully co-ordinates the setting up of appointments with the surgeon, chosen by the applicant. The physician is chosen by the applicant in the area that is selected, as easyIME goes about setting up the appointment. The entire process of the green card medical is made easy as appointments are seamlessly set up with the Surgeons.  easyIME hand-holds applicants through the entire process by fixing up appointments with the Surgeons and ensuring that the results are transcribed by the physician in a form called the I-693.

  • Adjustment Of Status And The Immigration Medical
  • If a person is applying for a Green Card and is in the process of immigrating to the United States, then one part of the entire process is the Immigration Medical physical, which is a mandatory requirement. The Immigration physical is monitored and regulated by the USCIS body, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services., which appoints Civil Surgeons in order to conduct the exam and supply the immigration body with the results.

    People who are applying for immigration status from overseas too have to go through the process of the Immigration Medical, but the steps are a bit different.

    The Medical Exam can be conducted only by a surgeon who is appointed by the USCIS. For a list of the doctors in the applicant’s vicinity or area one can log onto the USCIS site or get the details from the free service of a portal known as easyIME. The website is a completely free service for applicants and provides zip code – based information and details about the USCIS Civil Surgeons. It even lists immigration lawyers to facilitate use by immigrant aspirants.

    It is always advisable to have the exam done just before the applicant submits his or her adjustment of status documents. The results are considered valid only for a year.

  • Tackling The Immigration Medical Examination In The United States
  • 12_AugOne of the major hurdles in getting through immigration to a new country is often that much-dreaded medical exam. But the Green Card Medical Examination forms a compulsory part of the entire process. So you will have to get through it, if you wish to be successful in your immigration endeavors!

    The body looking after immigration to the United States is the USCIS or the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, and is a part of the Department of Homeland Security. So, whether it is for securing permanent residence or a green card, every applicant’s liaison partner will be the USCIS.


    Before the date of the exam try and do some research on your own. This knowledge will help you be armed with the latest details and will iron out any uncertainty.

    The next step would be to understand the entire length of procedures that you will need to go through.

    With the help of you can find the best-priced and most appropriate, well-ranked USCIS-approved Civil Surgeon, in the area of your choice. The portal will prompt you to feed in the Zip Code, and it will then display a list of USCIS Civil Surgeons in the vicinity chosen by you.

    The next step is to fix up an appointment and you are on your way!

  • What “Sanctuary Cities” Are All About
  • 8_AugSanctuary cities in the United States and Canada are places where certain policies are enforced to protect illegal immigrants from what people in these cities see as unfair immigration policies. These cities go against what they term as “unfair” immigration policies by choosing not to enforce them, by having their police keep information on criminal immigrants from federal immigration officials. Thus illegal immigrants, including those with criminal convictions, escape prison and deportation.

    The Congress is in the process of enacting laws that will penalize sanctuary cities by denying federal funds for other programs. This comes in the wake of the brutal killing of 32-year-old Kate Steinle, allegedly by an illegal alien, in the sanctuary city of San Francisco.

    The alleged killer is an illegal immigrant and a seven-time felon who had been deported to Mexico five times. The indifference of the politicians in San Francisco to the murder, from City Hall to the halls of Congress, was alarming and Washington lawmakers crafted Kate’s Law to make sanctuary cities accountable for enforcing federal immigration policy to protect other innocent people.

    It is widely believed that sanctuary cities also reflect a breakdown in the law and order situation.  Defiant city mayors and city council members who ambitiously want to advance their political careers support policies — in this case, immigration policies — counter to those set by Congress. They believe their wisdom is greater than Washington’s on immigration policy.