The U S Border Patrol has received a complaint from a civil rights group that in a lawsuit which complains that immigrants were illegally held for long periods in freezing, bad weather, in dirty holding cells in Arizona.
The lawsuit which was filed on behalf of 3 illegal immigrants who were detained at the Tucson Border Patrol Station stated that detainees were not treated well for days, and what’s more, these cells were made to be only hour-long old holding facilities. These holding cells were in the state of Arizona. A wide range of abuse and neglect has been reported, including inadequate food, water, sleep and medical attention. “With the filing of this lawsuit, it’s no longer going to be possible for Border Patrol to continue denying and ignoring its inhumane and unconscionable mistreatment of individuals in its custody,” said one of the attorneys who is helping a plaintiff.
The complaint has recorded for the request to a judge to order the country’s border protection agency to help improve the conditions in the detention centers. The complaint hits under the belt at one of the country’s busiest sections that deal with the massive flow of immigrants who are entering the country illegally from Mexico. More than 87000 arrests were made there last year. The lawsuit is a pointer to a grim fate faced by men, women and families who were detained for extended periods of time, as they wait for transfer or secure release.
You are a Green Card applicant, and you are on the last leg of the Immigration journey to the United States of America. What should you expect at the USCIS-approved Civil Surgeon’s examination center? Let us have a quick look!
At the Center and during the course of the Green Card medical you will be reviewed by the USCIS-approved Civil Surgeon, who will go through your medical and vaccination history, giving you a thorough physical examination, chest X ray and a blood test in the process. Children who are under the age of 15 years will not be given the X-ray or blood tests.
If you as an applicant are pregnant, you can request for the X-ray to be postponed, although the permission to grant this will be done depending upon your country of origin. There are different sets of rules and regulations on this.
The Civil Surgeon will, during the process of the physical examination will examine your eyes, ears, nose and throat, heart, lungs, lymph nodes, abdomen, skin and external genitalia.
The vaccinations to be taken will be prescribed by the Surgeon will be done so depending upon the ones that are found lacking. These include:
- Hepatitis A and B
- Influenza
- Influenza type b (Hib)
- Measles
- Meningococcal
- Mumps
- Pneumococcal
- Pertussis
- Polio
- Rotavirus
- Rubella
- Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids.
- Varicella
Reports say that unemployment rates have fallen to 5.4 per cent in the United States. But the true reality is that a steady pace of economic growth has not been very forthcoming.
The country however has a great source of potential that is seemingly remaining untapped – the growing community of immigrants trickling in to the country – a diverse world of people who are motivated, hard working and creative individuals. The United States has remained one of the top economies in the world as it has been able to attract a vast spectrum of people from around the globe, and has thus been able to reap the benefits of their talent and labor.
This is largely because
- Immigrants are very capable of starting new business propositions and execute them effectively.
- America’s labor force is expanded by immigrants.
- The new ideas and patents that boost a country’s economic growth largely abound from immigrant engagement with the country. This is turn leads to productivity.
- A research project predicts that between the years 2012 and 2050 immigrants and their children will combine to account for 93 per cent of the total growth of America’s working age population.
With the country’s aging workforce and the Baby Boomer group fast approaching retirement a new inflow of immigrants should be welcomed as this will boost growth and spark renewed productivity in the United States.
It was recently predicted by Secretary of DHS that it would ultimately transpire that the Obama government would be given permission by the courts in the United States to proceed with its plans to shield hundreds and millions of illegal immigrants from deportation. The measures have been temporarily blocked by a federal judge and an appeals court, which were to make up to “5 million undocumented immigrants eligible for deportation relief” including unrecorded parents of U S citizens and lawful permanent residents.
“Our lawyers at the Department of Justice say we have the legal authority to do this,” the Secretary stated in a speech about the nation’s immigration system at a University in Houston. He added that the president’s actions, known as deferred action, are “the right thing to do. …Over and over again, in the life of this nation, there have been classes of people who, by virtue of their race, gender, religion, or nationality, exist on the margins of society and struggle to seek our acceptance.” “It has been the tradition of this great nation that, ultimately, we hear their claims and grant them relief,” Johnson said.
In his speech the Secretary also commented on the “emotion and partisanship” that cloaked the complex subject of immigration. He criticized the fact that facts were often submerged in demagoguery, suspicion and exaggeration. He said that it was wrong that illegal immigration was on the rise, as people believed. In fact, he said, that the opposite was true.