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  • 11thMayRepublican Steve King of Iowa stated recently that President Obama was trying to impose the socialist philosophy of Karl Marx on the country.

    “And his calculation is not what’s true and just and right or even good for America, it’s how he can exploit his power base and move our country to the left towards the ideology of Karl Marx, how far he can go and get away with it,” King said on a recent television program.

    When he was asked if the President would be cautioned by a ruling on immigration, King stated that it was most unlikely that even the highest court in the land would be able to stop him. He said that he doubted whether President Obama “had no sense of duty to the Constitution” and, in his words had “kicked it completely sideways”.

    He said that the President “had great contempt for Congress and that he even ignored the Congress”.

    The executive action of President Obama in the year 2014 that provided relief from deportation for unlawful immigrants was being challenged in the courts. Clinton however stated recently that President Obama’s administrative initiatives were not expansive enough, and she said that she would do everything to see that the law went even further in the future. She said that no one could wait any longer to have a way to full and equal citizenship.

  • 20 febThe Obama administration is being pressed by the immigration rights groups for taking steps to enable the President’s new policies on immigration reform, in spite of a federal judge’s ruling that is currently blocking these actions.

    It is being said that Administration officials are all set to appeal the decision on Monday by a Texas-based U.S. district judge that will halt a pair of executive actions providing deportation relief to millions of illegal immigrants in the United States.

    But as the appeals process could take a long time the advocates want the administration to kick-start the Immigration program through the imposition of an emergency order — known as a “stay” by the courts, this will seek to undo the judge’s ruling and enable the initiatives to be rolled out while the lawsuits against them continue in process.

    Many advocates of the immigration reform say that a long delay could suppress participation at the expense of immigrant families. Administration officials in turn state that they were still weighing the pros and cons while exploring other legal options, one which involved an emergency stay. The administration declined to comment on what the options exactly were, it was determining certain specific factors, it said. Some legal experts noted that one consideration might be the fact that the request for a stay must first go to the federal judge- step that could delay not only the stay but the underlying appeal.

  • 9-March The government has stated that it has completed all procedures relating to replying to Texas and other states, prompting the judge to accelerate his verdict on whether programs relating to immigrants getting deportation deferrals can move ahead or not.

    Ever since a judge issued a temporary injunction in the month of February 2015, on the DACA and DAPA programs the executive actions have been on hold. These programs could protect millions of immigrants who have entered the country illegally from deportation, granting them work permits too, in the process. Government attorneys were quoted as saying that if there was no ruling end of Monday they would be approaching the 5th U S Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans in order to protect their interests.

    The federal government also informed the judge that it had already issued 3-year deportation deferrals and work permits to more than 100,000 people in the DACA program of 2012. The government also said that as the immigrants had been granted the deferrals and permits before the judge’s ruling (this did not apply to the 2012 program) there was no need to revoke it.

  • 11-Feb What is medical inadmissibility?

    Medical inadmissibility occurs when an individual who, in the process of applying for the Green Card for subsequent permanent residence in the United States has a health condition that becomes a case of public concern in the country. This procedure will be determined during the applicant’s application for taking on the Immigration Medial Examination.

    Under the US immigration laws the medical grounds of inadmissibility include 4 categories:

    • Communicable diseases which are dangerous to public health
    • Physical or mental disorders with harmful behavior
    • Physical or mental disorders without any display of adverse behavior
    • Lack of necessary vaccinations (as per immigration laws).

    Are all physical and mental conditions considered to be ‘medically-related grounds of ineligibility’?

    No, not all conditions are considered to be medically-related grounds of ineligibility – the USCIS Civil Surgeon or the Panel Physician will be in a position to determine whether the behavior of the applicant could pose problems to public health. Only if the applicant has a history of physical or mental disorders coupled with abnormal, dangerous behavior will the applicant become ineligible for admission into the United States.