The former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush commented currently that the 11 million illegal immigrants in the country of America should be allowed to stay, sparking up yet another debate that his party is so painstakingly trying to control.
As the former Governor moves towards his Presidential campaign he is being seen as a person backing the illegal immigrants and an advocate of a policy that would allow illegal immigrants to get legal status under specific conditions.
Jeb Bush stated that “We are a nation of immigrants, and this is not the time to abandon something that makes us special and unique.” He also said that a positive move towards immigration reform is not just simply protecting the borders and strengthening them, but giving an opportunity to 11 million people who should be able to overcome all obstacles and begin to receive lawful status. He stated that such people should be asked to pay taxes and work legally.
Jeb Bush is trying to reach out to the Hispanic population; he was campaigning in the country of Puerto Rico, a U S area that holds a primary presidential contest, yet it is not included in the Electoral that play a part in the elections.
Jeb Bush spoke in both English and Spanish effortlessly, hoping to showcase his deep personal connections with Hispanic culture. Bush’s parents George Bush, former President and Barbara Bush too were present at the speech.
It has been stated that Republican Steve King is pushing Congress to pull back an old American policy that permits citizenship to any child who is born in the United States, even to those born to illegal parents.
Steve King and some other colleagues have come up with a policy that would prevent citizenship at birth unless one parent is already a U S citizen, a legal permanent resident, or a person who has served in the U S military. This is what the Republican asked his colleagues in the House– “The illegal parents, are they going to decide? Or are we going to decide as representatives of the people of the United States of America?”
King argued that the Constitution should be legally interpreted on why every child born in America should be made a citizen, “regardless of circumstance and the legal status of their parents”. The House Committee Chairman said that the issue was “far from settled” and it was important to move forward with any immigration reforms as early as possible.”
But for now the House Committee did not plan to take up the Republican’s bill, and was only interested in examining the issue at this time.
Here are some more questions on the vaccinations procedure in the Immigration Medical Examination to make it easier going for you!
QUESTION: Who bears the payment for the vaccinations in the Immigration Medical Examination?
It is the applicant who has to bear the costs of the vaccines taken during the Immigration Medical Examination. The fees have to be paid directly to the USCIS Civil Surgeon. It is advisable to inquire about the costs of the vaccines before they are administered so you are able to have an idea about what the costs would be.
QUESTION: Will the Form I-693 be accepted by USCIS if the vaccination chart is not complete?
No. USCIS will not accept the Form if the vaccination chart has not been filled in by the USCIS Civil Surgeon. It is important that the vaccination chart has all entries against all the appropriate entries filled in, against each vaccine. If the form remains incomplete then it could be possible that the I-693 could be returned back to you by USCIS with the comment that it has to be complete in all respects.
If you happen to decline taking a vaccine due to religious reasons, or even moral reasons, then the Civil Surgeon will mention this on the Form I-693. In such a case you may then have to apply for what is termed as a medical wavier.
A U S judge in California came out with a ruling recently which stated that the U S government’s administration policy went against an 18 year old court settlement that talks about the forced detention of illegal immigrant children. Although the ruling was distributed to lawyers it was not officially filed, to enable the 2 sides to reach an agreement in 30 days. What it states is that the children and mothers cannot be held in facilities that were secure but unlicensed. Currently they were being held in detention centers in the towns of Karnes City and Dilley, Texas. The ruling also mentions that it was “inappropriate to hold a child and parent unless there was a flight or safety risk.”
The entire communiqué was distributed amongst a group of lawyers and attorneys who were representing the mothers and children.
If the ruling comes into force it could have some large implications, and it could goad the U S Immigration and Customs Enforcement to make some wide-ranging choices, including making a complete overhaul on the way the agency looks after its migrant population.