A recent report says that more and more Asian immigrants are increasingly getting their green cards in the Portland area quicker, and turning citizens sooner than other people of other regions in the United States of America.
The report states the 50 per cent of the Asians born overseas and who applied for their green cards in 2013 received their green cards, compared with just around 24 per cent for the other communities. These groups belong to Latin America and Canada.
Asian born applicants for immigration were also accorded citizenship in America in greater numbers, 50 per cent more than those from other countries.
When it came to individual countries immigrants from Mexico remained the biggest group of green card holders and also new American citizens. According to the report the data received did not include the hundreds and thousands of residents in the country who had no legal documentation; these people were mostly from Mexico and other Central American countries, and they had a more difficult road to take for obtaining a green card.
Illegal and undocumented immigrants who had American spouses, children and parents were usually asked to leave the United States and wait for at least 10 years before they could officially re-enter. This is called the “Family Separation Penalty”. The unfortunate thing was that it was not easy for illegal and undocumented immigrants to get their green cards easily, and they remained in the shadows. In fact, the report said that even those who overstayed their visas found it easier to get legal permission to reside in the country.
With President Obama promising to help America’s middle class a record $4 trillion budget is on its way, one that portends to hammer corporate profits offshore while increasingly laying a burden of taxes on the wealthy. This is expected to enhance tax credits for poor families and the impoverished working class.
The proposed budget would also steer hundreds of billions of dollars to the country’s already impacted roads and bridges, create new infrastructure, provide two years of free community college while helping to reverse drastic budget cuts that have hampered government departments from functioning effectively.
An optimistic Obama government hailed the budget, calling the year a ‘breakthrough’ year for America, of new jobs and lowered unemployment rates in the country. There is expected to be a 6.4 per cent increase over estimated spending this year, with the deficit estimated to fall down to $474 billion. What is worrying that the budget overlooks the new shift in power lines in Washington, with Republicans controlling both the House and Senate. The budget has drawn a lot of flak from the GOP; members of the party say that the proposed hikes in taxes would amount to around $1.5 billion, a huge volume. They also stated that the “Tax now and spend later” policy failed to address the growth of benefit programs such as Social Security and Medicare
Who is responsible to pay for the medical examination?
The applicant is required to pay for the Immigration Medical Examination. All doctor and laboratory fees for every exam taken have to be borne by the applicant. The USCIS Medical Exam cost has to be necessarily paid up by applicant for any adjustment of status.
What is the form that is required to be filled up for the Medical Examination?
When an applicant applies to the Immigration authorities for adjustment of status in the US, the Form I-693, or the Medical Examination of Aliens Seeking Adjustment of Status has to be filled up. This is a report of the results of the applicant’s Medical Examination conducted and the various vaccinations administered.
If the applicant is applying from overseas, what is known as Form DS-2053 is required to be filled up. The applicant will be given this form by the Consul office along with the other necessary supplements, and the names and telephone numbers of Panel Doctors in the applicant’s area. A vaccination supplement will also be provided to the applicant by the USCIS Civil Surgeon or the Panel Doctor. This supplement is used to record the results of the vaccination evaluation by the relevant doctors.
In the ongoing tussle between Republicans and Democrats on the hot topic of immigration funding and reform it seems as if the issue is still caught in a deadlock. The Congress seems to be no closer to a solution to fund the Homeland Security Department than it was some months ago. And what’s more, the deadline of February end is fast approaching.
The votes collected in the Senate so very recently were just 53 to 47, falling short of the 60 votes that are needed to re-initiate debate on the Homeland Security bill. The bill is estimated to pay for the department for some months at least, till September end, which marks the end of the budget year, and would seek to undo President Obama’s executive order that limited deportations of millions of illegal immigration aspires.
A vote was once again expected on Thursday, with a lot more in the offing. A senior Republican quipped that voting over and over on the same bill seemed to be an action of what he termed “insanity”.
President Obama meanwhile, met with a group of “Dreamers” in his office at the White House. He did this to strive and counter the GOP legislation that would eventually subject the Dreamers to subsequent deportation. He accused Republicans of failing to ignore the impact on “human lives” as a result of their deportation. He threatened to veto the bill eventually. He stated that it was like cutting off your nose to spite the face; delimiting funds for border security was undermining the strength on the borders, he said.