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  • School for Children inside Federal Immigration Jail
  • :  It is something unusual to see children attending school inside the jail. Classrooms monitored by security cameras, artificial turf soccer field in the courtyard, this is the school for immigrants who have fled to the US along with their mothers-mostly from Central America.

    Classes are eight hours a day at Karnes County Residential Center. The curriculum for pre-kindergarten to 12th grade is the same as bilingual schools across the state. Days begin with the reciting of pledges of allegiance in English to the Texas and American flags.

    Amid a surge of families and unaccompanied minors pouring across the U.S.-Mexico border, authorities converted what had been the all-male Karnes facility about 50 miles southeast of San Antonio to one with capacity for 532 women and children.

    The Karnes center allows detainees to move freely around the grounds, enjoying free Internet access, flat-screen TVs, and a hair salon. Instead of guards, lockup personnel are “resident advisers.”

    The Karnes officials are helping the children to socialize and acclimate in order to bring back from the trauma of what they had undergone before making to US.

    Facilities in Leesport, Pennsylvania, and Artesia, New Mexico also house immigrant parents and children. The Leesport center offers schooling, while Artesia plans to begin classes in a few weeks.

    Families in detention at Karnes are from Brazil and a few are from Mexico, but all others are from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, where immigrants are fleeing street gangs and drug smugglers or extreme poverty. Many have sought U.S. asylum.

    Thousands of other children detained without their parents — comprising the bulk of the immigration influx — are processed differently. Many of those unaccompanied minors have already been released to live with relatives in the U.S. and have matriculated into ordinary public schools as their cases progress.

    easyIME likes to share information of US immigration, USCIS and Immigration News and it is first of its kind to cater for Immigration community to US. easyIME has stretched its hands in field Immigration Medical Exam by making easy for the Immigrant.

  • Immigration Lawyers can get a free listing on!
  • brings immigration lawyers, green card aspirants and civil surgeons on the same platform in order to streamline the Immigration Medical Examination process!

    How can applicants find Immigration Lawyers?  It’s easy!

    The applicant simply has to register with Once you are listed you will be able to locate immigration lawyers through our easy-to-use Lawyer Locator feature, where you can locate lawyers through their zip code and then contact them.

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    Customer support on (888) 437-6797 will be happy to answer all your questions!

  • Latino’s being angry at President Obama may lower turnout in 2014
  • President Obama recent decided to delay executive action on immigration until after the midterm elections, many Latino and immigrant-rights advocates undertook to make Democrats pay a political price for the reversal. By and large, Latinos aren’t going to suddenly start voting for a Republican Party that has spent the last year running away from “amnesty.” But if Latinos feel that neither party cares about them, there’s less reason for them to show up to the polls at all.

    So how much will this matter for turnout? And what will the effect of Latino anger at Obama’s delay actually is on Democrats, in 2014 and beyond?

    When questioned to Latino’s voters, how they would feel if President Obama decided not to sign any executive orders on immigration. 54 percent of Latinos said they would be less enthusiastic about turning out to vote, and 57 percent said they would be less enthusiastic about voting for Democrats. It may happen that Latinos will vote more heavily for Republicans — instead, they just might not vote at all.

    easyIME likes to share information of US immigration, USCIS and Immigration News and it is first of its kind to cater for Immigration community to US. easyIME has stretched its hands in field Immigration Medical Exam by making easy for the Immigrant.

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