President’s Obama decision to take executive action to provide temporary deportation protection and work authorization to millions of undocumented immigrants was originally supposed to be by the end of summer. However with the control of the Senate hanging in the balance, the tentative outcome of refurbishing US immigration law has prompted the White House to reconsider the timing of its announcement.
Not able to get right support from the Congress, Mr. Obama is considering in mending the broken system on his own. However in recent days, President Obama has backtracked from his original timeline. It’s a big question with delay, whether the move will come before it turns fall on Sep. 22 leaving behind Immigration activists and Democratic aides who now fear that the White House may wait until after midterms to act.

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President Obama trying to take up immigration issues after trying to take support from the Republicans who are back siding now, with the latest Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, is seeking to prevent Mr. Obama from taking unilateral actions on immigration by taking away the funds allotted in the annual budget. This will affect the congress which is at the top priority when it comes back by the end of September that needs to be passed.
Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, has said his party could seek to prevent Mr. Obama from taking unilateral action on immigration by removing the funding for it in the annual budget, which will be the top order of business when Congress returns from its break and must be passed by the end of September
easyIME likes to share information of US immigration, USCIS and Immigration News and it is first of its kind to cater for Immigration community to US. easyIME has stretched its hands in field Immigration Medical Exam by making easy for the Immigrant.

With 1 million immigrant children leaving without legal status in the US, nearly 65,000 of them graduate from high school every year but the sad part is fewer than 6,500 are lucky ones to attend the college.
Most of these undocumented immigrant students face the hurdle of not getting the right information and assistance of having legal permission to continue their education as they are unaware of their legal status options like laws at the state level which allows some noncitizens to receive in-state tuition at the state colleges and universities; President Obama’s executive order for granting Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals gives them temporary status and a pathway to work legally.
Even though some states have been giving out financial aid for nearly a decade still the immigrant students lose much on education as they fail to understand the financial aid process or about the application forms that needs to be filled out. The other disadvantage being teacher, high school counselors and college financial aid offices are not being helpful to the immigrant students. It is very important that there is continual information being passed to the illegal immigrants.
It is important that the students understand their rights and laws very carefully, read them or get help from immigration lawyers if needed, they can even approach campus groups and organizations like United We Dream and Educators for Fair Consideration and attend the college and make benefit of all the right at every possible step.
easyIME likes to share information of US immigration, USCIS and Immigration News and it is first of its kind to cater for Immigration community to US. easyIME has stretched its hands in field Immigration Medical Exam by making easy for the Immigrant